Building or remodeling New Office space

Development of mission critical technology solutions must be done during initial office design phase and must be carried out by experienced network design staff.

Migrating to New Technologies

Whether upgrading to new computers, software applications or new VOIP phone systems, you need a detailed understanding of requirements and solutions from seasoned independent network engineers.

Poor Network Performance

Slow response, loads of pop-ups, tons of spam, lost e-mail, dropped VOIP phone calls, insufficient voice mail boxes. Isolating and solving any one or all of these problems is one of a network manager’s biggest frustrations and demands the highest level of expertise.

Insufficient Staff

Doing more with less has become the norm.  Networks grow in size and complexity, but the resources to manage them never keep pace. Companies must leverage available resources as effectively as possible.  Tallwood Technology Group can augment your full time staff with network consulting expertise when you need it.

Network Downtime

When your network or a part of it is unavailable, what does it cost your company?  Planned network audits can reduce the risk of outages. Priority service to resolve unplanned outages is available from Tallwood Technology Group.